Two movies, one book, one iPhone game - this is Episode 93 of Mail Order Zombie, and Brother D and company have Headshots, ratings and discussions for the MOZ Family this week. The movies? 2007's War of the Dead and Night of the Creeps. The iPhone game? Zombieland, reviewed by Need-a-Nickname Scott. The book? Zombies for Zombies: Advice and Etiquette for the Living Dead by David P. Murphy, reviewed by Miss Bren and Wayne Kotke. There is a new Zombie Aptitude Test question introduced at the beginning of this week's show (last month's ZAT answers will be reviewed in next week's show), and in the Feedback Discussion, Miss Bren reveals a dark and terrible secret about her and . . . Chinese Food?
There Will Be Spoilers!!! - http://spoilers.podbean.com/
Know Nothing Music Show - http://knownothingmusicshow.podomatic.com/
Blood 2: The Chosen - http://www.the-chosen.com/home.asp
Maelstrom: The Zombie Opera DVD - http://zombieopera.net/Maelstrom_The_DVD.html
Movies About Girls - http://www.moviesaboutgirls.com/
Z-Day: A Twitter-Based Zombie Outbreak Simulation - http://zday.zombiephiles.com/
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies prequel - http://tinyurl.com/prideprequel
ZMD: Zombies of Mass Destruction Horrorfest news - http://www.horrorfestonline.com/
Zombie march protest biolab - http://tinyurl.com/biolabzed
University of Florida's disaster plans with zombies - http://tinyurl.com/zedprepare
Robert Kirkman discusses his influences - http://tinyurl.com/kirkmanfaves
HorrorHound Weekend - Cincinatti Film Festival - http://tinyurl.com/survivaltrailer
Zombie Mickey Mouse vinyl custom - http://tinyurl.com/zedmickey
Zombie-Nation.Net Short Zombie Story Competition - http://tinyurl.com/zedstorycontest
Zombieland Mobile Game demo - http://www.sonypictures.com/mobile/zombieland/
(Various production music produced by Kevin MacLeod)