It's Miss Bren's birthday, and we're celebrating with another episode of Mail Order Zombie! The movies Doghouse (2009, directed by Jake West) and The Mad (2007, directed by John Kalangis) step into Brother D's sights for their Headshot reviews. (Special thanks to the MOZ Family Member that sent The Mad to Mail Order Zombie Central for us to review!) October's Zombie Aptitude Test answers are reviewed this week, and this month's ZAT question is presented to the Family. Winners are announced for two contests - someone will win Miss Bren's review copy of David P. Murphy's Zombies for Zombies: Advice and Etiquette for the Living Dead, and someone else will win another weekend pass to HorrorHound Weekend Cincinnati. The Feedback Discussion kicks off with nearly 20 minutes of birthday greetings for Miss Bren, but she doesn't get too choked up to finish out the show by going over everyone's voicemails and emails.
Mail Order Zombie feed - http://feeds.feedburner.com/MailOrderZombie
Mail Order Zombie forums - http://www.popsyndicate.com/forums/viewforum/86/
Email us at MailOrderZombie@gmail.com or call us at 206-202-2505!
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Doghouse - http://www.doghousethemovie.com/
Doghouse Finger Food - The Game - http://www.fingerfoodgame.com/
HorrorHound Weekend Cincinnati - http://horrorhoundweekend.com/shows/200911/default.aspx
Jose Gomez's Bled White - http://tinyurl.com/bledwhite
SKIBOFILMS - http://web.mac.com/skibofilms
Zombies invade Leeds station - http://tinyurl.com/zombieleeds
Image Comics scheduled - http://www.imagecomics.com/schedule.php
Borderlands: The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned - http://tinyurl.com/drnedzed
Detention of the Dead - http://tinyurl.com/detentiondead
(Various production music produced by Kevin MacLeod)