Your Hosts
Brother D
The authority on all-things-zombie, Brother D - the host of Mail Order Zombie - uses his vast knowledge of the horror genre and his willingness to watch just about anything to provide the MOZ Family with reviews, recommendations, and 1-headshot run for your life warnings on living impaired entertainment.
You can email Brother D at or find him on Twitter @BrotherD... or on XBox Live stumbling into the occasional witch!
Miss Bren
Joining the show on Episode NN, Miss Bren combines her knowledge of post-apocalyptic fiction with her level-headed wit to bring a balance to the force complete Mail Order Zombie. The sultry-voiced apiphobe, who's more Barbara (1990) than Barbara (1963), does author interviews, listener feedback, and even produces the show when Brother D is too sick/locked in a morgue.
Miss Bren, who also runs MOZ Presents: Post Script: The Mail Order Zombie Official Post-Apocalyptic site!
You can email Miss Bren at or find her on Twitter @MissBren... when she's not head-shotting n00bs on Left 4 Dead!
MOZ Family Regulars
Wayne Kotke
Don't call it a comeback! Wayne Kotke is well on his way to becoming America's favorite Living Impaired individual. (He'll thank you not to use the dreaded "z-word.") After parting ways with the National Anti-Defamation League of the Living Dead, Wayne went on to form his own political advocacy group, Dead 2 Rights, whose slogan is "Changing minds, not eating them".
A regular on Mail Order Zombie (and 2008 Voice of the MOZ Family), Wayne fights a never-ending struggle for dignity and respect in a hostile world, all while working several low-paying jobs to make ends meet. Even with all these responsibilities, he has somehow found the time to write and record several songs and is even the high priest of Kotketology, the first and only religion catering to the spirtual needs of the living impaired.
You can find Wayne, and the Dead 2 Rights movement, online at Dead 2 Rights!

Hunkerin' down at the Mail Order Zombie news desk is where you'll find Need a Nickname Scott. Providing the family with selected zombie news stories each week in the Zombie Beat.
You can email Need a Nickname Scott at or find him on Twitter @vz9p57... or just head for either Disneyland or Walt Disney World!