Phantasm Month continues here on Mail Order Zombie when Brother D takes a critical look at Phantasm III: Lord of the Dead. Not only is reality reshaped by the Phantasm films, but the podosphere itself is threatened with not one, but two podcast crossovers. Slug from the Slugcast interviewed Ron Magee and Mitch Brian, the director and writer of Maul of the Dead, the new play from The Coterie Theater. And in one of the strangest podcast crossovers, Brother D reviews the novel Indiana Jones and the Army of the Dead for Mail Order Zombie and the IndyCast. We're still taking answers for the current Zombie Aptitude Test question, and Need-a-Nickname Scott brings the week's select zombie news in the Zombie Beat. Miss Bren joins Brother D for the Feedback Discussion near the end of the show. (The scheduled review of Evilution has been pushed back a week and will appear in Episode 092.)
Mail Order Zombie feed - http://feeds.feedburner.com/MailOrderZombie
Mail Order Zombie forums - http://www.popsyndicate.com/forums/viewforum/86/
Email us at MailOrderZombie@gmail.com or call us at 206-202-2505!
Vote for us at Podcast Alley at http://tinyurl.com/mozvote/
Support the show at http://www.tinyurl.com/mozsupport/
Coterie Theatre - http://www.coterietheatre.org/maulofthedead.aspx
Dominic Reyes, Professional 'Magic Circle' Magician - http://www.dominicreyes.co.uk/
32 rules of Zombieland? - http://tinyurl.com/32rules
Night of the Living Bread - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktD27xVIncg
The IndyCast - http://www.forcecast.net/c-indycastnews.asp
Slugcast - http://www.slugcast.net/
Day by Day Armageddon 2 - http://tinyurl.com/daybyday2
Zombie High - http://tinyurl.com/zombiehighalive
Zombie Outbreak Film Festival - http://tinyurl.com/zoutbreakfestival
Night of the Living Dead: Renimated - http://tinyurl.com/notldrfree
Phantasm turns 30 - http://tinyurl.com/phantasm30
Monroeville Mall's zombie bloodline - http://tinyurl.com/monroeville
Left 4 Dead 2 Demo - http://tinyurl.com/demol4d2
KISS fans aim to break zombie record - http://tinyurl.com/KISSzombie
(Various production music produced by Kevin MacLeod)