Phantasm Month begins in earnest this week in Episode 89 of Mail Order Zombie! Brother D cracks open his Phantasm box/sphere set to review the first film in the franchise. (Richard from Witchita called in his thoughts on the film, too!) Also in the review queue is the soon-to-be-released (October 27th, 2009) zombie movie Dead Air, directed by Corbin Bernsen and starring Bill Moseley and Patricia Tallman. Writer Glenn Kay - winner of the 2008 Dead Letter Award for Best Zombie Book, Non-fiction for his book Zombie Movies: The Ultimate Guide - swings by to talk zombie movies, compiling his "ultimate" guide and watching Survival of the Dead and [REC] 2. MOZ Family Member Aaron (from The Zed Word: Zombie Blog) also recently saw [REC] 2, and calls in with his thoughts as well.
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Mail Order Zombie forums - http://www.popsyndicate.com/forums/viewforum/86/
Email us at MailOrderZombie@gmail.com or call us at 206-202-2505!
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Dead Air - http://www.deadair-movie.com/
University of Florida zombie attack plan - http://tinyurl.com/zombieuf
Left 4 Dead 2 $25 million marketing budget - http://tinyurl.com/25mil4d2
Plants vs. Zombies NYC Village Halloween Parade - http://tinyurl.com/pvzparade
George A. Romero, novelist - http://tinyurl.com/romeronovel
The Crazies go zombie - http://tinyurl.com/zombiecrazy
Die-Ner (Get It?) festival screenings - http://tinyurl.com/die-nerfest
10 directors who should make a zombie movie - http://tinyurl.com/top10zed