Something that hasn't happened in a long time here at Mail Order Zombie happens in this week's episode - you'll have to listen to the four movie reviews to find out what it is! In order, Miss Bren and Brother D review the Jeff Heimbuch movie The Ties That Bind, a short zombie movie based on a Brian Keene short story. Upcoming MOZ webmaster Chris Toohey brings us the first installment of his Couch of the Dead, in which he presents an informal review of the David Decoteau movie Ring of Darkness. Brother D flies solo to review Blood of the Beast, a Georg Koszulinski-directed movie from 2003 featuring clones, zombies and the fall-out of World War III. The big review this week is a review of the movie Zombieland; Brother D and Miss Bren were joined by Zombie Hunter Tony and Headshot Heather for this review and discussion of the upcoming theatrical release. (And if you count the call-in from the Don't Look in the Podcast crew from Horror Realm in which they talk about the movie Zone of the Dead, that gives us a FIFTH review this week!) We still need your answers for the current Zombie Aptitude Test, and in the Feedback Discussion, not only is listener feedback highlighted, but the winners to two contests are announced! Of course, no episode would be complete without the week's select zombie news in the Zombie Beat.
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Mail Order Zombie forums - http://www.popsyndicate.com/forums/viewforum/86/
Email us at MailOrderZombie@gmail.com or call us at 206-202-2505!
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Family Movie Night - http://blog.fmnpodcast.com/
Don't Look in the Podcast - http://www.dontlookinthepodcast.com
The Ties That Bind - http://www.thetiesthatbindmovie.com
Patrick Swayze in Zombieland - http://tinyurl.com/swayzeland
Zombieland 2 and DVD news - http://tinyurl.com/zland2
We Will Bury You comic written by Brea Grant - http://tinyurl.com/breaburyyou
Left 4 Dead 2 banned - http://tinyurl.com/l4d2ban
LOLCats and Zombie Apocalypse - http://tinyurl.com/lolzombie
12 gadgets to survive the apocalypse - http://tinyurl.com/12gadget
Tom Savini's Death Island - http://tinyurl.com/saviniisland
Zombie Ammo Targets - http://tinyurl.com/zombietargets
Paul McCartney, Woody Harrelson and zombies - http://tinyurl.com/woodypaul
(Various production music produced by Kevin MacLeod)