The Post Script breaks format this week - instead of a book review, Miss Bren interviews Rhiannon Frater, author of the As the World Dies trilogy in this week's show. Brother D brings in two more movie reviews when he casts his Headshot-delivering critical eyes at Clint Keller's Road to Oblivion and the "animagic" special Mad Monster Party. Dr. J is back with a new installment of Med of the Dead, and because it's a new month, there's a new question-of-the-month with the Zombie Aptitude Test. The Feedback Discussion holds down the backhalf of the show (where Wayne Kotke has a special brief message for Brother D), and the Zombie Beat brings in the beginning of the show with the week's selected zombie news courtesy of MOZ Cub Reporter Need-a-Nickname Scott and a special guest.
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Killer Keller Pictures - http://www.killerkeller.webs.com
TWSS Productions - http://www.twssproductions.webs.com
Rhiannon Frater - http://rhiannonfrater.blogspot.com/
Zombies demand healthcare - http://tinyurl.com/zedhealth
Steven Schlozman, zombie expert - http://tinyurl.com/Schlozman
Left 4 Dead 2 'Dark Carnival' campaign at PAX - http://tinyurl.com/l4d2carnival
Revenant: The Premiere Zombie Magazine, Issue #0 - http://www.revenantmagazine.com/Issuezero.htm
Robert R. Best, author of Lakewood Memorial - http://www.robertrbest.com
The real reasons Pittsburgh is the most livable city - http://tinyurl.com/zpittsburgh
Haunting Kira - http://www.hauntingkira.com/
Zombie Cop appears on "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" - http://tinyurl.com/zcopCSI
Dead Air - http://www.deadair-movie.com/
The Walking Dead Google map - http://tinyurl.com/wdgmap
Zombies to attack Sherman Oaks wedding - http://tinyurl.com/zedwedding