It all comes down to this - the final week in the Summer Knights event! In Episode 83 of Mail Order Zombie, Brother D reviews the fourth Blind Dead film, Night of the Seagulls. In Episode 104 of Dread Media, Desmond Reddick also reviewed the film, and together, Brother D and Des discuss the franchise as a whole. Part 1 of this discussion takes place in MOZ #83, and Part 2 will take place in Dread Media #105 (you are listening to Dread Media at http://www.dreadmedia.net/, aren't you?). Also this week, Mark E. Poole's Dead Moon Rising gets the Headshot Review treatment when Brother D reviews a movie that was donated to the show by a generous member of the Mail Order Zombie Family (you can donate movies to the show, too, by visiting http://tinyurl.com/mozwish/!). Answers for the current Zombie Aptitude Test are still being collected (and remember - there is a contest attached to the ZAT this week, and you could win a Mail Order Zombie prize pack!). Emails and voicemails from the MOZ Family bring Miss Bren to the table for the Feedback Discussion (and one voicemail left by long-time-listener-first-time-caller Zombart made its way into this week's select zombie news in the Zombie Beat!).
Mail Order Zombie forums - http://www.popsyndicate.com/forums/viewforum/86/
Email us at MailOrderZombie@gmail.com or call us at 206-202-2505!
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Fan Kids: The Podcast - http://www.fankidspodcast.com/
Deadwalkers - http://www.deadwalkersmovie.com/
The Law Offices of Hardov, Fletch, Heders & Cooper - http://zombielawcenter.com/
Zombie Will - http://zombiewill.com/
Thriller @ Dragon*Con - http://www.dragonconthriller.com/
Spooky Empire - http://www.spookyempire.com/
Shreveport Zombie Walk - http://www.myspace.com/shreveportzombiewalk/
Night of the Living Dead in 3D at 5th Annual Johnny Ramone Tribute - http://www.johnnyramone.com/
Zombie Prom on the stage October 29-31, Newnan, GA - http://newnantheatre.org/auditions.html/
Annee Pocalypse! - http://www.hubrisproductions.com/annee.htm/
Zombie Outbreak Film Festival - http://www.horrorsociety.com/festivals/
Zombie Tycoon - http://tinyurl.com/zombietycoon/
"I Hate This" by Chickenhawk - http://tinyurl.com/chawkhate/
Day of the Dead: Epidemic - http://tinyurl.com/dayepidemic/
Bad news for Carriers release - http://tinyurl.com/carriersclose/
The 4th Reich - http://tinyurl.com/4thnazi/
Zombies in St. Florian - http://tinyurl.com/zombiechurch/
Zombie Boot Camp - http://tinyurl.com/zombiebootcamp/