Episode 80 kicks off with Summer Knights, Mail Order Zombie's month-long look at Amando de Ossorio's Blind Dead films (along with Dread Media); Brother D tries a bit of Spanish when reviewing the first film in the franchise, Tombs of the Blind Dead from 1971. He'll also review the 1980 Bruno Mattei film Hell of the Living Dead. After the Introduction and the news in the Zombie Beat (special thanks to Need-a-Nickname Scott and Jay Emmitt for their hard work this week!), Brother D and Miss Bren are joined by Aaron from Zed Word: The Zombie Blog for a lengthy discussion of the upcoming Steven Rumbelow adaptation of the David Moody novel Autumn. A new Zombie Aptitude Test question is also announced, and this time, a contest is worked into the ZAT - score!
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Dread Media - http://www.dreadmedia.net
Autumn - http://www.autumnthemovie.com
[REC] 2 Teaser - http://tinyurl.com/teaserrec2
D. J. Caruso to direct Dead Space - http://tinyurl.com/deadspacedj
Night of the Creeps on Blu-ray - http://tinyurl.com/bluecreeps
Subject 245: The Punk from Sideshow Collectibles - http://tinyurl.com/subject245
4th Nazi zombie level for Call of Duty: World at War - http://tinyurl.com/wownazi
Rachel Caine's Dead Sexy - http://tinyurl.com/deadsexybook
Zombieland interviews - http://tinyurl.com/zlandinterviews
New Left 4 Dead DLC in September - http://tinyurl.com/crashcoursel4d
Beatles, Zombie Mashup - http://tinyurl.com/fabfourdead - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjuTJB2MiIc
The War of the Worlds, with zombies - http://tinyurl.com/warworldszombies
Living Dead in Denmark - http://tinyurl.com/denmarkdead
Nudist Camp Zombie Massacre - http://tinyurl.com/nudistcampzombie
Boom! Studios Announces Zombie Tales 2061 Signing - http://tinyurl.com/talessigning