Recorded in the Pacific Northwest and available for download around the world, Episode 81 of Mail Order Zombie is filled with zombies, undead Templar knights, guest appearances and . . . food? This is the second week of Summer Knights, which means Brother D is reviewing the second film in Amando de Ossorio's Blind Dead series, Return of the Evil Dead (along with Desmond Reddick at Dread Media at http://www.dreadmedia.net). Illwy Productions' Of the Living Dead is also reviewed this week. The answers from July's Zombie Aptitude Test question are finally shared with the Mail Order Zombie Family, and remember, this month's ZAT question has an opportunity to earn you extra credit with a contest! Zombie Hunter Tony's new segment Staying Fed in the Land of the Dead makes its debut this week, and Corey Graham from the Midnight Podcast joins Brother D for the first part of a two-part mini-roundtable in which they answer questions from the MOZ Family and listeners of the Midnight Podcast. Miss Bren and Brother D end the episode with another healthy round of Feedback Discussion.
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Dread Media - http://www.dreadmedia.net
Internet connects zombies for Salt Lake City Zombie Walk - http://tinyurl.com/slczwalk
Busy Milla Jovovich's wedding and zombies - http://tinyurl.com/millawedding
Survival of the Dead at Fantastic Fest - http://tinyurl.com/romerofest
Toronto Zombie Walk: Special Director's Cut Edition - http://www.torontozombiewalk.ca/
Newmarket Recreation Department summer camp performs "Thriller" - http://tinyurl.com/thrillernewmarket
Dana Stow & Christopher Noon mention zombies in their wedding vows - http://tinyurl.com/zombievow
Barack Obama, zombie killer - http://tinyurl.com/evilpres
My Rotten Life - http://tinyurl.com/rottenlife
Record-Setting I Spit on Your Rave - http://tinyurl.com/spitrave
Zombies on Smallville - http://tinyurl.com/smallvillezed
Zombies on Medium - http://tinyurl.com/mediumzed
The Walking Dead coming to TV - http://tinyurl.com/walkingdeadtv
Shaun of the Dead crashes Universal Studios' Hollywood Horror Nights 2009 - http://tinyurl.com/universalzed
Bruce La Bruce's LA Zombie - http://tinyurl.com/LAZombie
Star Wars: Death Troopers - http://tinyurl.com/swdeath
Death Troopers in Star Wars Galaxies - http://tinyurl.com/galaxyzed
RiffTrax LIVE: Plan 9 From Outer Space - http://tinyurl.com/plan9live