Welcome to Mail Order Zombie!

Since 2008, Mail Order Zombie has covered zombie movies, zombie movie music, post-apocalyptic and zombie literature, zombie comics, zombie games, zombie operas, etc. Weekly, Brother D brings the reviews, and Miss Bren joins him for the weekly Feedback Discussion. Zombie news from around the world is covered in the Zombie Beat, and interviews with zombie media makers round out the show.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Programming change - Episode 129

We've had to make a few changes to the programming of this week's episode of Mail Order Zombie. Episode 129 will still be released Thursday, 7/15/10, but rather than featuring a review of Redneck Carnage, Miss Bren and Brother D will be discussing End Transmission from co-directors Jason Impey and Kenial Yildrim. The latest installment of Dr. J's Med of the Dead will still appear this week, and Need-a-Nickname Scott and his wife Tracey will be reporting on the recent Famous Monsters Convention (a few quick interviews will be snuck into their con coverage).

With apologies to director Johnno Zee, the review of Redneck Carnage will appear in MOZ Episode 130, 7/22/10.