While some are having a grand ol' time at Comic-Con, y'all have a great time with Episode 130 of Mail Order Zombie! This week, Need-a-Nickname Scott and Tracey wrap up their coverage of the recent Famous Monsters Convention, and thanks to their hard work, you'll get to sit in on the Dawn of the Dead panel from the con. Plus, they interview the filmmakers behind the upcoming The Amateur Monster Movie. In non-con content, Brother D reviews the movie Redneck Carnage from director Johnno Zee and the novel Bijou of the Dead from Robert Freese. There's a contest, the Zombie Aptitude Test Question, some Housekeeping, your Feedback . . . Make those Comic-Con goers jealous by listening to Mail Order Zombie right NOW!
Famous Monsters Convention - http://www.famousmonstersconvention.com/
Famous Monsters Convention Forum - http://famousmonstersoffilmlandforum.com/index.php?board=3.0/
Robert Freese - http://www.robertfreese.com/
The Living Dead Festival - http://www.thelivingdeadfest.com/
World Made By Hand - http://www.worldmadebyhand.com/
Trickster Moon Productions - http://www.trickstermoon.com/
Vote for Deadlands 2: Trapped for audience choice at WMIFF - http://wmiff.com/?q=movies%2Fvote-peoples-choice-film/
World War X vs World War Z - http://io9.com/5589286/will-warner-brothers-futuristic-terrorism-film-world-war-x-film-before-world-war-z/
Michael Madsen in Infected - http://www.variety.com/article/VR1118021462.html?categoryid=1043&cs=1/
Infected Home Page - http://www.verdicorrenteproductions.com/Infected.html/
Robert R. Best's Ashton Memorial - https://www.createspace.com/3463839/
The Saddest Little Zombie by Douglas Clegg - http://www.scribd.com/doc/34652126/Zombie-Preview/
MTV News visits The Walking Dead - http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1643961/20100719/story.jhtml/
Be a Zombie in Season Two of The Walking Dead - http://sweeps.amctv.com/thewalkingdead/
Pop Cap Announces Plants vs Zombies for XBOX Live Arcade - http://popcap.mediaroom.com/index.php?s=43&item=159/
Plants vs Zombies achievement listing - http://www.xbox360achievements.org/game/plants-vs-zombies/achievements/
Zombrex Dead Rising Sun release dates - http://g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/post/706262/Zombrex-Dead-Rising-Sun-Release-Schedule-Announced.html/
Dead Rising 2: Zombrex Edition - http://www.capcom-unity.com/jgonzo/blog/2010/07/15/dead_rising_2_zombrex_edition_revealed_for_north_america!/
Queen Mary Zombie Banned - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/7887618/London-Dungeon-advert-showing-Queen-Mary-I-as-zombie-banned.html/
Zombie porn banned at Melbourne International Film Festival - http://www.smh.com.au/entertainment/movies/gay-zombie-porn-gets-festival-flick-20100720-10jls.html/
(Various production music produced by Kevin MacLeod)
Hey guys, it's Ryan Dewerth, one of the guys you interviewed for The Amateur Monster Movie. Just wanted to let you know that we now have the complete trailer if you guys wanted to check it out. Let us know what you think!
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