This week, Mail Order Zombie takes on The Dead Pit . . . no, not the long-running internet radio show, but the 1989 Brett Leonard-directed zombie movie which was released to DVD by Code Red in 2008. Also on the show this week is John Harrison, a man who's worn several hats in the filmmaking community - director, composer, AD, writer, etc., etc. With Need-a-Nickname Scott still on vacation, two other members of the MOZ Family are stepping in to help with the new sin the Zombie Beat this week, but that doesn't mean we don't hear from Scott this week; he makes an appearance in this week's Feedback Discussion (and supposedly Miss Bren has some 'splainin' to do . . . ).
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Zombie mode in Call of Duty: Black Ops?
City of the Dead screening in Toronto
Balticon screening of Deadlands 2: Trapped
Ford Fiesta vs. zombies
Juan of the Dead
Marshall Kalil (from Day Zero) on how to make a zombie movie
Richard Burke's behind-the-scenes photos from Dawn of the Dead
Imagery Photography
(Various production music produced by Kevin MacLeod)
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