Welcome to Mail Order Zombie!

Since 2008, Mail Order Zombie has covered zombie movies, zombie movie music, post-apocalyptic and zombie literature, zombie comics, zombie games, zombie operas, etc. Weekly, Brother D brings the reviews, and Miss Bren joins him for the weekly Feedback Discussion. Zombie news from around the world is covered in the Zombie Beat, and interviews with zombie media makers round out the show.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mail Order Zombie: Episode 120

Download Mail Order Zombie: Episode 120 here!

In this action-packed (action-packed?) episode of Mail Order Zombie, Brother D casts his critical eye (critical eye?) at the Jim O’Rear written- and directed-zombie movie Scream Farm. Dr. J teaches the MOZ Family a valuable lesson in a new installment of Dr. J’s Med of the Dead (special thanks to KK from Family Movie Night for her assistance this time around!). Emails and voicemails anchor the show, and Miss Bren drops in to keep Brother D and Dr. J in line (in line?).

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Vicis Interimo
Gentleman's Grindhouse
Screamwave at Horror in the Hammer

Holiday of the Dead
Zombies into butterflies?
Play Dead: The Movie
Play Dead
Our Days Are Numbered
Paul is Undead: The British Invasion

(Various production music produced by Kevin MacLeod)