Let's throw another two (movie reviews) on the fire in Episode 106 of Mail Order Zombie. Eat Me: A Zombie Musical from writer/director Brian Wimer is . . . experienced this week, and because the Portland Grindhouse Film Festival brought in a 35mm print of Burial Ground: The Nights of Terror Brother D and Zombie Hunter Tony couldn't miss an opportunity to see this movie on the big screen. This past Tuesday, the 5-Headshots-out-of-5-rated movie Zombieland was released to Blu-ray and DVD, and since they've already reviewed the movie itself back in Episode 87, Brother D and Miss Bren focus on the release's special features when they talk about the movie this week. Last month's Zombie Aptitude Test answers are revealed, and a new ZAT question is posed to the Family; one contest winner is announced, and a new contest is announced; emails and voicemails; fun, fun, fun!
Mail Order Zombie forums - http://www.popsyndicate.com/forums/viewforum/86/
Email us at MailOrderZombie@gmail.com or call us at 206-202-2505!
Vote for us at Podcast Alley at http://tinyurl.com/mozvote/
Cast your vote for the Mail Order Zombie 2009 Dead Letter Awards at http://tinyurl.com/2009dla
Eat Me: A Zombie Musical - http://www.eatmemovie.com/
Famous Monsters Convention - http://famousmonstersconvention.com/
More Brains! A Zombie Survival Drill (Salem, OR, public library) - http://tinyurl.com/salembrooks
Camelot Entertainment Group, Inc., to produce Zombie Culture: Documentary of the Living Dead - http://tinyurl.com/camelotzed
A. D. teaser - http://tinyurl.com/adtease
Stateless Films - http://www.statelessfilms.com/main.htm
"Zombies in Love" - http://tinyurl.com/zedinlove
I Heart Zombies Day - http://www.google.com/relief/haitiearthquake/index.html
(Various production music produced by Kevin MacLeod)