Movies Number 195 and Number 196 are reviewed this week in Episode 102 of Mail Order Zombie. Movie 195? Mass Acre Hill written and directed by The Francis Brothers. Movie 196? Blood Moon Rising written by Laurie Love and Brian Skiba, directed by Brian Skiba. The Create-the-New-MOZ-Promo contest is still running, and Miss Bren contributes this month's Zombie Aptitude Test Question. In the Feedback Discussion, more people agree with Miss Bren than Brother D anticipated, and Brother D admits to wishing he could change something about himself.
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iPhone's Zombeat - http://tinyurl.com/zombeatgame
Night and Fog headed to the screen - http://tinyurl.com/nightandfog
Dead Snow coming to DVD & Blu-ray - http://tinyurl.com/deadsnowblu
"Thriller" video added to US national film archive - http://tinyurl.com/thrillerarchive
Zombies at Cinema Wasteland - http://www.cinemawasteland.com/show.html
Capcom delays zombie (and other) titles - http://tinyurl.com/capcomdelay
Left 4 Dead 2 authoring tools - http://tinyurl.com/l4d2author
Pixel Force: Left 4 Dead - http://tinyurl.com/l4dpixel
(Various production music produced by Kevin MacLeod)