You can take the zombie movie podcaster out of the podcaster, but you can't take the zombie movies out of his DVD player. Brother D is BACK with Mail Order Zombie, and he's picking up right where he left off with Episode #173. He rocks a double feature of rockin' zombie movies - 1985's Hard Rock Zombies (dir. Krishna Shah) and 2011's Pop Punk Zombies (dir. Steve Dayton). Other old MOZ friends (like Need-a-Nickname Scott, Wayne Kotke and Professor Chad) stop by to catch up with the Family, and Miss Bren joins Brother D at the end of the show to go over some recent feedback. Welcome back, everyone . . . keep on, shamblin'!
Mail Order Zombie Facebook Group - http://tinyurl.com/facebookmoz
Email us at MailOrderZombie@gmail.com or call us at 206-202-2505!
Palavr.com Forums - http://palavr.com/forum.php/
The Zed Word Zombie Blog - http://www.zedwordblog.com/
Plan D: The Official Website of Derek M. Koch - http://www.derekmkoch.com
(Various production music produced by Kevin MacLeod.)
RIP James Farentino
Hey kids, fun fact; the director's name on "Hard Rock Zombies" is actually "Krisha" Shah. The typo wasn't discovered until the title sequence was complete and was left in. Looking forward to the review!
I had heard that as well, but ended up going with "Krishna" since that's how he turned up on IMDB. Either way, I'm trying to get my hands on a copy of another one of his movies - American Drive-In - so I wonder how his name is spelled there!
I won't be able to hear the show till this afternoon so I don't know if you covered it, but another fun trivia is that HRZ actually started as a "movie-in-movie" to be used on the screen during the filming of "American Drive-In". I have more useless knowledge than I know what to do with, it seems.....
I didn't mention it in the review, but it's definitely what got me interested in tracking down American Drive-In . . . :)
WELCOME BACK! I'm SO glad to hear you guys again! My Sailor came home from deployment safe and sound and now my zombie/post-apco podcast is back! My year is complete. ;)
PS If you guys are still planning on a Disneyworld trip this October, let me know! We're holding our wedding a Shades of Green in Disneyworld and would LOVE to grab a bite with the gang! :)
- The Darling Dead
PSS - Feverfew (the flowers/herb) is reported to help a some RA! Not sure if that's part of Bren's current regiment, but might be worth checking into! (ASK your Doctor first, of course! I'm just a lowly writer/actress/medical coder!)
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