Welcome to Mail Order Zombie!

Since 2008, Mail Order Zombie has covered zombie movies, zombie movie music, post-apocalyptic and zombie literature, zombie comics, zombie games, zombie operas, etc. Weekly, Brother D brings the reviews, and Miss Bren joins him for the weekly Feedback Discussion. Zombie news from around the world is covered in the Zombie Beat, and interviews with zombie media makers round out the show.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Brother D on The B-Movie Cast

Downlaod The B-Movie Cast #175 here!

Brother D appears on Episode 175 of The B-Movie Cast:

SIGHTS NEVER BEFORE SEEN – Adventure never before experienced!

On today’s show Brother D from The Mail Order Zombie Podcast will join Nic, Mary and I as we talking about one of my childhood favorites. The 1961 science fiction film Atlantis, the Lost Continent. The film was directed by George Pal and stars Sal Ponti, Joyce Taylor, Edward Platt, Jay Novello and the great Paul Frees who is the narrator and does multiple voices.

Plus we have some great listener feedback.