Need-a-Nickname Scott & Tracey bring us another recording from the Famous Monsters of Filmland from earlier this year. This time around, they bring us the panel devoted to the Dead Letter Award-winning documentary Autopsy of the Dead. If you listen closely, you'll get to hear Scott even ask the panel a question or two (but, oddly enough, he doesn't ask about the naked zombie - go figure). Also, Professor Chad is back with a new Zombie Aptitude Test question for the MOZ Family.
Email us at MailOrderZombie@gmail.com or call us at 206-202-2505!
Palavr.com Forums - http://palavr.com/forum.php/
The Dead Infested by Edward J. Russell - http://www.thedeadinfested.com
Autopsy of the Dead - http://www.livingdeaddocumentary.com/
(Various production music produced by Kevin MacLeod.)