Brother D and Miss Bren attended all three days of HorrorHound Weekend Indianapolis 2011, spent a few extra days in Indiana to hang with Need-a-Nickname Scott and Tracey, flew home Wednesday night . . . and uploaded Mail Order Zombie Episode 159.5 with coverage from the HorrorHound event! Prepare your ears for interviews, contests, criticisms, good times and Corey Feldman!
Email us at MailOrderZombie@gmail.com or call us at 206-202-2505!
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The Dead Infested - http://www.thedeadinfested.com
Robert R. Best - http://www.robertrbest.com/
The G.O.R.E. Score - http://thegorescore.com/
Tony Schaab - http://tonyschaab.com/
Daniel Horne - http://www.danielhornestudios.com/
Midnight Syndicate - http://www.midnightsyndicate.com/