March of the Zombi(e) continues with a look at José Luis Merino's Zombie 3: Return of the Living Dead, aka The Hanging Woman. Brother D tackles this movie review, and MOZ Family member Richard from Wichita phones in his review of The Crazies (2010) from director Breck Eisner. Need-a-Nickname Scott appears on the show multiple times this week - not only is he heading up this week's Zombie Beat, but he also joins Brother D in reviewing last month's ZAT answers. All this, plus a recording from the first public reading and book signing of Tony Faville's Kings of the Dead!
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Night of the Living Trekkies
Grahame-Smith Q&A
The Living Dead 2
RE4 trailer coming
Survival of the Dead trailer
John Pogue on Quarantine 2
Pom Pom Zombies
Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2 on the Mac
(Various production music produced by Kevin MacLeod)