Brother D sneaks in two zombie movie reviews (2005's Red State, dir. Jeremiah Lewis, and Zombie Psycho STHLM, dir. Micke Engström) after Miss Bren helps him announce the winners of the Robert R. Best and Edward J. Russell book contests but before a recording from Dragon*Con 2010. MOZ Family Member The Matt Hatter attended the panel "How to Pimp Your Zombie" and we owe him a HUGE thanks for sharing the panel with Mail Order Zombie!
Email us at MailOrderZombie@gmail.com or call us at 206-202-2505!
Palavr.com Forums - http://palavr.com/forum.php/
Zombie Psycho Stockholm - http://tinyurl.com/zombiesthlm
Fringe Blog - http://www.fringeblog.com/
Red State - http://tinyurl.com/fringeredstate