Wayne Kotke brought this to my attention, and while the final episode of the Rise of the Dead Reich/Nazi Zombie Movie Month hit the podosphere 11/25/10, if you need more Nazi zombies in your life, this song might do trick.
Since 2008, Mail Order Zombie has covered zombie movies, zombie movie music, post-apocalyptic and zombie literature, zombie comics, zombie games, zombie operas, etc. Weekly, Brother D brings the reviews, and Miss Bren joins him for the weekly Feedback Discussion. Zombie news from around the world is covered in the Zombie Beat, and interviews with zombie media makers round out the show.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Mail Order Zombie #148

Happy Thanksgiving, and thanks for listening to Mail Order Zombie Episode 148, the final week of Rise of the Dead Reich, the Nazi Zombie Movie Month! This week, Brother D casts his gaze into the murky waters of 1981's Zombie Lake (dir. Jean Rollin). On a non-Nazi-zombie-related note, he also spends some quality time with a single zombie in the movie Make-Out With Violence (dir. The Deagol Brothers). When he isn't presenting the weekly zombie news in the Zombie Beat, Need-a-Nickname Scott reviews the novel Paul is Undead: The British Zombie Invasion by Alan Goldsher, and of course, Miss Bren helps keep the show on track when she joins Brother D for the Feedback Discussion. This is the final week for November's Zombie Aptitude Test, and as a BONUS at the end of the episode, we present the very first episode of Mail Order Zombie Family Theatre with the story "Zack Bites Back."
Email us at MailOrderZombie@gmail.com or call us at 206-202-2505!
Vote for us at Podcast Alley at http://tinyurl.com/mozvote/
Mail Order Zombie Wikia - http://mailorderzombie.wikia.com/
Palavr.com Forums - http://palavr.com/forum.php/
Factory 25 - http://www.factorytwentyfive.com/
Quirk Book’s hub for all P&P&Z-related pages - http://www.quirkclassics.com/zombies/
Rhiannon Frater's The First Days: As The World Dies announcement - http://rhiannonfrater.blogspot.com/2010/11/first-days-as-world-dies-is-now.html
Andrew Lincoln thrilled for The Walking Dead's Season 2 - http://www.digitalspy.com/ustv/s135/the-walking-dead/news/a288619/lincoln-thrilled-with-walking-renewal.html
Zombies and Pterodactyls 20XX coming to XBOX Live - http://www.joystiq.com/2010/11/24/zombies-and-pterodactyls-20xx-aka-zp2kx-is-the-latest-xbox-liv/
(Various production music produced by Kevin MacLeod)
make-out with violence,
paul is undead,
zombie lake
Monday, November 22, 2010
Mail Order Zombie: Episode 147.5

Brother D and Miss Bren throw off the chains of remaining Spoiler-free and talk about The Walking Dead with no restraint! Along the way, Miss Bren gets distracted by snow and Brother D gets dangerously close to adding the suffix -ocalypse to too many words.
Email us at MailOrderZombie@gmail.com or call us at 206-202-2505!
Vote for us at Podcast Alley at http://tinyurl.com/mozvote/
Mail Order Zombie Wikia - http://mailorderzombie.wikia.com/
Palavr.com Forums - http://palavr.com/forum.php/
Trickster Moon Productions - http://www.trickstermoon.com/
Be a part of Blood & Dust - http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/801095332/be-a-part-of-blood-and-dust-a-short-horror-film
(Various production music produced by Kevin MacLeod)
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Mail Order Zombie: Episode 147

How do you say the words kilts, lesbian, armageddon, bad acting, good lyrics, nachos, inappropriate use of water fowl anatomy, television, divorce, and, um, Nazi in German? In podcasting language, all these words MIGHT be pronounced "Mail Order Zombie Episode 147." In this week's episode, Brother D reviews the movies Cupcake: A Zombie Lesbian Musical from director Rebecca Thomson and Armageddon of the Dead from director Damon Crump. For Rise of the Dead Reich, he takes a look at the 1943 film Revenge of the Zombies from director Steve Sekely. The third episode of The Walking Dead aired here in the states last Sunday, so Miss Bren joins Brother D for another spoiler-free discussion of the television show (it's getting tougher and tougher to stay spoiler-free!), and Need-a-Nickname Scott has the news in the Zombie Beat. This week's Feedback Discussion runs a bit on the long-side this week, so consider yourself warned, but, hey, you watch bad zombie after bad zombie movie with Brother D, right? You can probably handle some extra emails and voicemails from the Mail Order Zombie family!
And make sure you visit http://tinyurl.com/kidneywedding daily to help our friends Matt and Liz!
Email us at MailOrderZombie@gmail.com or call us at 206-202-2505!
Vote for us at Podcast Alley at http://tinyurl.com/mozvote/
Mail Order Zombie Wikia - http://mailorderzombie.wikia.com/
Palavr.com Forums - http://palavr.com/forum.php/
Cupcake: A Zombie Lesbian Musical - http://www.zombielesbianmusical.com/
Armageddon of the Dead (aka Risen) - http://www.risenthemovie.com/
Naschycast - http://pitofrod.blogspot.com/search/label/naschycast
Possible air date for The Walking Dead Season 2 - http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/blogs/live-feed/walking-dead-season-two-45474
The Walking Dead a hit in the UK - http://walkingdead.fxuk.com/post/1591589988/walking-dead-snares-a-million
Police in Australia raid home looking for L. A. Zombie screener - http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20101112/ennew_afp/entertainmentaustraliafilmgaysexcensor_20101112041419
Dead Nation comes to PSN - http://blog.us.playstation.com/2010/11/15/at-deaths-door-dead-nation-hits-psn-november-30th
Editing the Dead - http://www.avclub.com/articles/choose-your-own-night-of-the-living-dead-adventure,47615/
Dead Rising 3 update - http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=275746
RIP Spooner.
(Various production music produced by Kevin MacLeod)
Monday, November 15, 2010
A call to . . . kidney?
Download the promo here!
A podcast listener hasn't exactly asked for help, but he's going to get it anyway.
A podcast listener hasn't exactly asked for help, but he's going to get it anyway.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Mail Order Zombie: Episode 146

Another week of November, another Nazi zombie movie covered on Episode 146 of Mail Order Zombie. Brother D continues his look at this sub-sub-genre of zombie films when he reviews 1977's Shock Waves from director Ken Wiederhorn. He also takes a look at Nicholas Aubrey's recent release Zombie Town: The Movie. Zombart catches up with horror hostess Ms. Monster, and Miss Bren joins the show not just for the Feedback Discussion, but to also discuss Episode 2 of AMC's The Walking Dead.
Email us at MailOrderZombie@gmail.com or call us at 206-202-2505!
Vote for us at Podcast Alley at http://tinyurl.com/mozvote/
Mail Order Zombie Wikia - http://mailorderzombie.wikia.com/
Palavr.com Forums - http://palavr.com/forum.php/
The Italian Zombie Movie - http://italianzombiemovie.com/
Zombie Town: The Movie - http://www.zombietownthemovie.com/
Ms. Monster - http://www.msmonster.com/
Not Your Ordinary Nerd! - http://notyourordinarynerd.blogspot.com/
Zombeak! Evil Most Fowl - http://www.zombeak.com/
Silent Night, Zombie Night - http://www.snznfilm.com/
The Walking Dead gets Season Two - http://splashpage.mtv.com/2010/11/08/the-walking-dead-renewed-for-second-season/
The Walking Dead Blu-ray Season One - http://www.bloody-disgusting.com/news/22354
Mike White to direct Pride & Prejudice & Zombies - http://www.deadline.com/2010/11/mike-white-gets-pride-and-prejudice-and-zombies-offer/
Resident Evil: Afterlife, most successful Canadian film? - http://www.thestar.com/entertainment/movies/article/887490--resident-evil-sequel-becomes-most-successful-canadian-feature-film
Zombie Women of Satan gets North American distributor - http://www.dreadcentral.com/news/40769/afm-2010-screen-media-nabs-zombie-women-satan
Plants vs. Zombies for Android - http://www.pocketgamer.co.uk/r/Android/PopCap+news/news.asp?c=24846
Call of Duty: Black Ops' zombies - http://www.straight.com/article-357124/vancouver/call-duty-black-ops-brings-you-jfk-zombie-hunter
Topeka, Kansas zombies - http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/105040-Zombies-Could-Help-Reanimate-Topeka-Kansas
The Undead that Saved Christmas book signing - http://www.mystgalaxy.com/event/mg-holiday-party
(Various production music produced by Kevin MacLeod)
ms. monster,
shock waves,
the walking dead,
zombie town: the movie
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Trailer - 'Zone 261'
MOZ Family Member Paultagonist pointed this out to me on Vimeo . . . and it looks AWESOME.
ZON261 - Trailer from ZON 261 on Vimeo.
Monday, November 8, 2010
MOZ Presents: The Munchies #019 - Predators

Brother D and Miss Bren tackle the 2010 release Predators.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
MOZ Presents: The Munchies #018 - Polly

Brother D reviews the movie Polly from director Jason Hoover.
Jabb Pictures - http://www.jabbpictures.com/
A Left 4 Dead commercial . . . from the 80s?
This hit YouTube in September, but it was just brought to my attention last night by podcast listener Tim.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Mail Order Zombie: Episode 145

Begrüßen Sie zu Woche eine des Aufstieges des toten Reichs auf Bestellungs- per Postzombie. (I'm going to assume Yahoo! Babel Fish got that right!) This is Episode 145 of Mail Order Zombie, and to kick off Nazi Zombie Movie Month here on MOZ, Brother D reviews the 1981 film Oasis of the Zombies. Two videogames get some attention this week as well - when Brother D wasn't watching zombie movies, he was dispatching zombies Old West style in Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare, and Zombie Farmer was rocking out with them in Rock of the Dead. This past Sunday marked the premiere of The Walking Dead, and when she wasn't recording the Feedback Discussion with Brother D, Miss Bren was watching zombies on TV and reviewing Episode 1 with him. All this, plus the news with Birthday Boy Need-a-Nickname Scott's Zombie Beat!
Email us at MailOrderZombie@gmail.com or call us at 206-202-2505!
Vote for us at Podcast Alley at http://tinyurl.com/mozvote/
Mail Order Zombie Wikia - http://mailorderzombie.wikia.com/
Palavr.com Forums - http://palavr.com/forum.php/
The Walking Dead ratings -
Andrew Lincoln Q&A - http://blogs.amctv.com/the-walking-dead/2010/11/andrew-lincoln-interview.php
The Walking Dead on DVD - http://tvshowsondvd.com/n/14639#ixzz14A7mH0Pm
J.P. Moore's Toothless Contest - http://www.jpmooreonline.com
Zombies in the Energy Department - http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/10/31/AR2010103104405.html
10 Reasons is sucks to be a zombie - http://www.wired.com/geekdad/2010/10/top-10-reasons-it-sucks-to-be-a-zombie/#ixzz14AA80T9P
Zombies on Ice video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBJH6OSM68Q
(Various production music produced by Kevin MacLeod)
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Blu-ray & DVD release for 'Resident Evil: Afterlife' announced
On December 28th, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment will unleash the deadly T-virus into homes everywhere when Resident Evil: Afterlife explodes onto Blu-ray 3D, Blu-ray and DVD. The Blu-ray 3D will flood veins with adrenaline and kick viewers into survival mode in 1080p high definition 3D, optimized for the latest 3D playback devices and eyewear, but also including a backwards-compatible 2D version of the film that plays on all existing Blu-ray players. For those who prefer their zombies safely in two dimensions, Resident Evil: Afterlife will also be offered on 2D Blu-ray and DVD the same day.
Based on one of the most successful video game franchises of all time, Resident Evil: Afterlife opens with Alice (Milla Jovovich, Resident Evil, The Fifth Element) on a lonely and dangerous hunt for survivors in a decimated world crawling with the Undead. On her quest for the alleged safe-haven “Arcadia,” she finds survivors Claire and Chris Redfield (Ali Larter, “Heroes”, Resident Evil: Extinction and Wentworth Miller, “Prison Break”, Underworld), and the smoldering trio heats up the screen as they ravenously set their sights on taking down the evil Chairman of the Umbrella Corporation, Albert Wesker (Shawn Roberts, Edge of Darkness) and hordes of the Undead along the way.
When the bloodshed is over and the credits roll, be warned that the Blu-ray and Blu-ray 3D live on with horror-filled special features, including eight deleted scenes, seven featurettes, an “Undead Vision” Picture-in-Picture Video, filmmaker and cast commentary, a blooper reel and movieIQ+sync®, which allows users to access real time information on the cast, music, trivia and more while watching the movie via BD-Live™. The DVD release offers filmmaker and cast commentary and two featurettes.
Also included on both the DVD and the Blu-ray editions of Resident Evil: Afterlife is a teaser trailer for an all-new CG-animated installment in the Resident Evil franchise, Resident Evil: Damnation.
2D Blu-ray and Blu-ray 3D Special Features
• Sneak Peek of Resident Evil: Damnation
• movieIQ+sync
• “Undead Vision” Picture-in-Picture Video
• Filmmaker Commentary
• Eight Deleted Scenes
• Outtakes
• Seven Featurettes
o Back Under the Umbrella: Directing Afterlife
o Band of Survivors: Casting Afterlife
o Undead Dimension: Resident Evil in 3D
o Fighting Back: The Action of Afterlife
o Vision of the Apocalypse: The Design of Afterlife
o New Blood: The Undead of Afterlife
o Pwning the Undead: Gamers of the Afterlife
DVD Special Features
• Sneak Peek of Resident Evil: Damnation
• Filmmaker Commentary
• Two Featurettes
o Band of Survivors: Casting Afterlife
o Fighting Back: The Action of Afterlife
Based on one of the most successful video game franchises of all time, Resident Evil: Afterlife opens with Alice (Milla Jovovich, Resident Evil, The Fifth Element) on a lonely and dangerous hunt for survivors in a decimated world crawling with the Undead. On her quest for the alleged safe-haven “Arcadia,” she finds survivors Claire and Chris Redfield (Ali Larter, “Heroes”, Resident Evil: Extinction and Wentworth Miller, “Prison Break”, Underworld), and the smoldering trio heats up the screen as they ravenously set their sights on taking down the evil Chairman of the Umbrella Corporation, Albert Wesker (Shawn Roberts, Edge of Darkness) and hordes of the Undead along the way.
When the bloodshed is over and the credits roll, be warned that the Blu-ray and Blu-ray 3D live on with horror-filled special features, including eight deleted scenes, seven featurettes, an “Undead Vision” Picture-in-Picture Video, filmmaker and cast commentary, a blooper reel and movieIQ+sync®, which allows users to access real time information on the cast, music, trivia and more while watching the movie via BD-Live™. The DVD release offers filmmaker and cast commentary and two featurettes.
Also included on both the DVD and the Blu-ray editions of Resident Evil: Afterlife is a teaser trailer for an all-new CG-animated installment in the Resident Evil franchise, Resident Evil: Damnation.
2D Blu-ray and Blu-ray 3D Special Features
• Sneak Peek of Resident Evil: Damnation
• movieIQ+sync
• “Undead Vision” Picture-in-Picture Video
• Filmmaker Commentary
• Eight Deleted Scenes
• Outtakes
• Seven Featurettes
o Back Under the Umbrella: Directing Afterlife
o Band of Survivors: Casting Afterlife
o Undead Dimension: Resident Evil in 3D
o Fighting Back: The Action of Afterlife
o Vision of the Apocalypse: The Design of Afterlife
o New Blood: The Undead of Afterlife
o Pwning the Undead: Gamers of the Afterlife
DVD Special Features
• Sneak Peek of Resident Evil: Damnation
• Filmmaker Commentary
• Two Featurettes
o Band of Survivors: Casting Afterlife
o Fighting Back: The Action of Afterlife
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MOZ Archive
- Zombie Nazi YouTube video
- Mail Order Zombie #148
- Mail Order Zombie: Episode 147.5
- Mail Order Zombie: Episode 147
- A call to . . . kidney?
- Mail Order Zombie: Episode 146
- Trailer - 'Zone 261'
- MOZ Presents: The Munchies #019 - Predators
- MOZ Presents: The Munchies #018 - Polly
- A Left 4 Dead commercial . . . from the 80s?
- Mail Order Zombie: Episode 145
- Blu-ray & DVD release for 'Resident Evil: Afterlif...
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