It's the end of Year One here at Mail Order Zombie, and we're going to do what we always do - we've got zombie movies to review. This week, Brother D tries to review the zombie movies Flesh Freaks and Johnny Sunshine Maximum Violence. We've got a healthy dose of Feedback Discussion this week as well; Miss Bren joins Brother D to go over the weekly emails and voicemails. Also, the director of Grave Mistake, Shawn Darling, drops by to talk about making his own zombie movie, casting a a grocery store, and what magical things are coming up next for him. Because this is our 52nd week, though, we had to do something special this week, so your two co-hosts announce the official nominations for the 2008 Mail Order Zombie Dead Letter Awards. (The show does run a bit long this week due to the extra content. Next week, we'll be back down to around 1:45 . . . sorry!)
Email us at MailOrderZombie@gmail.com or call us at 206-202-2505!
Vote for us at Podcast Alley - http://www.podcastalley.com/one_vote2.php?pod_id=53902
Mila Kunis as a zombie - http://tinyurl.com/kuniszombie
Chris Walas on Baby Zombies - http://tinyurl.com/babyzombies
Dead Snow picked up by IFC Films - http://tinyurl.com/deadsnowifc
Marc Guggenheim on "Super Zombies" - http://tinyurl.com/superzombiescbr
John Russo and Russ Streiner at South Alleghany High School - http://tinyurl.com/notldtv
Emma Stone in Zombieland? - http://tinyurl.com/stoneinland
Resident Evil 5 demo released one week earlier for XBOX 360 than PS3 - http://tinyurl.com/re5xbox
Romeo and Juliet vs. the Living Dead - http://tinyurl.com/romerozombie
Henry Selick on Paranorman - http://tinyurl.com/paranorman
Gryphon's Egg Productions - http://www.gryphonseggproductions.com/
Grave Mistake - http://www.gravemistake.org/
Snow White zombie - http://tinyurl.com/swzombie